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Beyond Call Metrics: Caller Insights for the Marketing Manager

Call Metrics for The Marketing Manager

Recently, we discussed call tracking metrics, and which ones you should be using in your campaigns. For many marketing managers (or VPs of Marketing, Marketing Directors, etc), any insight into what will ultimately be a successful marketing/advertising/promotions campaign is critical. Now it’s time to get a little more granular with the planning stage.

Speaking Volumes: Why Call Volume Matters

Call volume trends and consumer profiles can provide useful insights if you know what to look for. Here are a few trends to watch and how they can help you improve marketing campaigns:

  • Hourly call flow: The time of day that you receive most of your calls can give you lots of information on how to adjust ad strategies. Call tracking data lets you know which calls are converting during certain times. So if you get a lot of calls on Wednesday mornings, but the majority of those are junk, simply lower your bids during that time. Or if they convert more during a particular time, that may be a perfect time to display your ads.
  • Caller profiles: You can apply that strategy to other key factors, such as caller location. If the majority of conversions come from calls to a specific business location, you may consider increasing your bids for ads optimized for that zip code. It’s also a good way to ensure that your target audience reflects your consumer profile data. If most of your callers are single adults in their 30’s, then you don’t want to spend money on targeting married people in their 50s.
  • Call duration: Most marketers can agree that longer calls are typically from a high-quality lead. Someone who spends a lot of time on the phone with a representative is more likely to convert. Call tracking reports also provide the call length for each inbound call. Marketing Managers can use this data to pinpoint which campaigns, emails, ads, keywords, and landing pages bring in the longest (and most successful) calls.

But call tracking can only provide so much information. If you really want to know what drives customers to your site, you’ll need access to insights from the calls themselves. First, you’ll need call recording technology to record, transcribe, and analyze customer conversations. Then you’re ready to dive into call monitoring and interaction analytics.

Know What Motivates Callers

With an advanced interaction analytics solution that features call transcription, you can easily gather caller insights. For instance, you can search the call transcriptions for keywords related to how callers found you. If more callers found you from an ad or Google search, then that’s where you want to focus your efforts.

Customer interactions give you the call metrics that help eliminate a lot of guesswork at the planning stage, giving your campaigns more chance of achieving the impact you want from the start.

Understand the Buyer’s Journey

Speech analytics is also designed to provide you with insights from existing customers, such as:

  • Which products customers call about most frequently.
  • What products and services they are not satisfied with, and why.
  • What competitors have they worked with or currently considering.

Before your campaign even begins, you can extract customer behavior insights – what motivates them, what doesn’t – with interaction analytics. Use the voice of your customers to focus your campaigns on what really matters to them, and more importantly, what guides their purchase patterns.

Enhance Call Metrics with Speech Analytics

With speech analytics, you can enhance call metrics insights by creating content searches that automatically monitor customer conversations in real-time. Content searches are customizable to identify pertinent keywords and phrases specific to a variety of business objectives. With this precise call mining technology, businesses have quantitative and qualitative knowledge to evaluate their marketing strategies and campaigns, overcome challenges, transform the business, and work more effectively.

Learn more about the benefits of speech analytics. Schedule a demo of our full solution.

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