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Increasing Call Volume with Vanity Numbers: 800response Partnership Drives Results for Karlin+Pimsler


A prominent ad agency proves how advertising with memorable vanity phone numbers nets significant increases in inbound calls.

The Challenge: Standing Out

The agency needs to execute lead-generating ad campaigns for their clients that stand out from the excess of messages people are overwhelmed with on a daily basis.

The Solution: 800response

Karlin+Pimsler creates advertising strategies and supporting jingles around vanity phone numbers, which are proven to have higher response rates and inbound leads, compared to similar campaigns that feature a numeric toll-free or local phone number. 

The Results: Boosted Call Volumes & Lead Generation

“Every time we scroll the internet, on your phone, television, newspapers, billboards, we see about 5,000 messages a day. Amidst this information overload, a memorable phone number is the most important tool you can have in your marketing toolbox,” asserts Mal Karlin, the President and Creative Director of Karlin+Pimsler. 

Karlin extols the value of using an unforgettable phone number in ad campaigns.  And he has the evidence to back it up. One of the agency’s clients – a well-known financial company – recently pitted two advertisements against one another. The ads were exactly the same, save for one difference: One featured the vanity number 877-CASH-NOW, while the other featured the numeric 877-227-4669.  

The results were undeniable. According to Karlin, “The ad with the vanity number had a 48% lift in call volume versus the ad with the numeric toll-free,” Karlin shares, adding, “Once you see something like that in a head-to-head test, the client just says, ‘Whoa, you gotta run it.’ “

Closing Thoughts from Karlin+Pimsler

The agency has worked with 800response to obtain toll-free vanity phone numbers for nearly seven years, lauding not only the vast catalog of vanity numbers, but also the comprehensive call tracking and analytics tools as well.  

These features combined with exceptional customer service easily result in significant boosts in both call volumes and lead generation. 

As Karlin says, “Not having a vanity number in a business that depends on phone leads is like trying to drive a car without an engine.”

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