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Attracting New Customers During COVID-19

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to impact our lives, businesses face the same challenge they did eight months ago: attracting new customers and new revenue while adhering to CDC guidelines. The tactics that worked in the spring and summer may not be as effective in colder months. This means businesses must find even more creative ways to attract and retain buyers. But where to find inspiration?

Not surprisingly, your customers are your best resource for attracting new business. It’s more important than ever for companies to understand and connect with their clientele. Why?

Because it’s easier to attract and retain customers who feel that the company cares about them as people, and not just as consumers. And businesses can take a variety of approaches to get that message across. In this post, we’ll discuss a few simple methods for attracting new customers, even in a pandemic.

Send the Right Message

Customers are taking this pandemic seriously, and they want assurance that businesses are too. Businesses can start attracting new customers by sending the right message about COVID-19 safety precautions. Make sure customers understand store policies on social distancing, mask requirements, cleaning procedures, and anything to show that your business is taking the proper precautions. This also prevents COVID-related delays and potential customer frustrations.

More importantly, your messaging should demonstrate that you share and empathize with customer concerns. For instance, a business that once mainly focused on in-store shopping can let customers know they’ve updated and streamlined their online shopping to offer curbside pickup. By featuring a “customer-first” message on the company website, in email marketing, and in advertisements, customers know they are valued. This goes a long way when fostering customer loyalty.

Borrow Insights from Your Customers

Another way businesses can be innovative in attracting new customers is to use current customers for inspiration. Phone conversations are a great source of customer input and feedback. Listening to recorded calls provides customer insights to reveal common complaints, suggestions, and other insights. For instance, our call transcriptions quickly transcribe and scan those conversations for keywords that uncover trends about what customers want.

And for businesses with a higher call volume, an automated call monitoring solution with speech analytics and scorecards will make the process even more efficient. Businesses can use this information to make changes to their operations, marketing strategies, and other areas in order to provide a better customer experience. When you provide an excellent experience for current customers, attracting new customers becomes even easier.

While “unprecedented times” have become the “new normal,” businesses must adapt to the changing needs of their customers. These adjustments can help keep business-customer connections strong to further guarantee a business’s success both now and in the future.

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