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Top 7 Questions (and Answers) about Number Porting

Many of today’s telecommunication providers offer number porting, the process of switching phone numbers from one provider to another. This feature can be a huge asset to both individuals and businesses. However, many people don’t really understand it. Are you one of those people? In this blog, we’ll answer the most frequently asked questions about number porting and shine a light on its benefits.

1. What Exactly Is Number Porting?

As stated above, number porting is the method of transferring a telephone number from one service provider to another provider. This may occur when a customer is switching providers due to a variety of factors such as a change in location or simply liking the new provider’s services better.

2. What Are the Benefits of Number Porting?

In the past, when someone decided to change telecommunication providers, they were given a completely new phone number. This came with the added headache of having to update all their contact info with family, friends, businesses, etc. With number porting, they can keep their current phone number and avoid all that unnecessary hassle. This is especially favorable for businesses, as it allows them to focus their efforts on more important factors pertaining to growth and revenue.

3. Can I Port a Toll-Free Number from Another Service Provider to 800response?

Certainly. Toll-free phone numbers are just as portable as local phone numbers. The process is simple and rest assured, you will not lose your number. You will simply designate a toll-free Responsible Organization (RespOrg) or Service Provider to act as an agent on your toll-free number. You can always port the number back should your plans change in the future.

4. Can I Port More Than One Number to 800response?

Yes, you can port as many numbers as you desire. Having all of your phone numbers under one service provider, such as 800response, is both convenient and conducive to business efficiency.

5. What Are the Benefits of Porting a Number to 800response?

When you port your phone number(s) to 800response, you not only get to keep the number(s), but you also get all the perks that come with our unforgettable vanity numbers. Perks such as call tracking, detailed real-time call reports, and more for every one of your numbers. These features will provide you with all the data you need to clearly see how well your numbers are performing in your advertising efforts, allowing you to make informed marketing strategy decisions. Not to mention, it provides you with the opportunity to benefit from other 800response services such as advanced call routing, call recording, missed call reports, addresses and demographics, and much, much more!

6. Will My Service Be Interrupted?

Absolutely not. At 800response, we know how crucial it is to maintain a steady communication flow between you and your customers, which is why the process will be seamless. And once porting is completed and your calls are routing on the 800response Network, the way is then cleared to cancel services with the former provider. Your service stays intact, and you never miss a chance to connect with customers.

7. Do I Need to Already Have a Vanity Number from 800response to Be Eligible to Port My Number?

No, a business can port any number to 800response, regardless of whether or not they are currently using an 800response vanity number. That being said, obtaining a vanity number for your business is never a bad idea. A vanity number is easier to remember than a traditional phone number, plus it conveys a more professional image for your business. And with the largest selection of vanity numbers available in all industries, 800response is sure to have a vanity number that’s perfect for you.

The advantages of number porting are clear. Not only does it help you ensure you keep the phone number(s) customers associate with your business, but it also allows you to keep all of your phone numbers on one convenient platform. And porting a number with 800response provides your business with even more benefits. Want to learn more? Call 1-800-NEW-SALE to contact an 800response team member about number porting today!

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