38 Eastwood Drive, Suite 401
South Burlington, VT 05403
Work Hours
Monday to Friday | 8AM—5:30PM EST
Marketing and advertising your business, brand, or organization is essential. Without basic information, potential customers won’t have the information they need to make the all-important purchasing decision. But what turns an offline marketing campaign from drab to fab?
There are hundreds if not thousands of offline marketing campaigns that have mobilized consumers to buy from a certain brand. From posters to bus stops advertising the latest releases of celebrity perfumes, to the announcement of a sale at a retail store, all these campaigns have one thing in common: they were successful because they loosely followed a set of rules that meant they stood out (and to the right people!).
Offline marketing has a big competitor – the online world – but that doesn’t mean it’s had its day. But offline marketing campaigns need to work just as hard and to ensure success, the informative infographic from Colour Graphics has it all. Do you know the optimum number of words to use? How do you know which colors are attractive to your customers or have you ever wondered how the font makes a difference in people’s purchasing decisions?
Another big question is do you have an easy-to-remember response tool featured in your advertising and marketing campaigns? If not, you need to consider it. Unforgettable phone numbers (also known as vanity phone numbers) like 1-800-NEW-RIDE or 1-800-GET-WINDOWS are proven through consumer research studies to generate 25-50% more inbound leads from an advertising campaign. The cost of getting one of these numbers is negligible compared to the high value of inbound phone leads. After all, it’s well known that an actual conversation while the consumer is currently engaged is a much more direct path to a sale than an online lead through a website that requires follow-up. Learn more about using these lead-generating tools in your advertising campaigns.
There are some things you need to avoid too. But we’re not going to tell you what they are – you need to see for yourself the 10 Rules to Offline Marketing!