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Vanity Numbers Are Music to Business’s Ears



Although it’s over 40 years old, Tommy Tutone’s signature song “Jenny/867-5309” continues to be quite the earworm. Even if you don’t remember or know most of the lyrics, you most likely know exactly how “867-5309” sounds. But not everyone appreciated the little ditty.

It turned out that 867-5309 was the phone number for many real-life people, depending on the area code. This meant those who had this number constantly received calls from people looking for “Jenny”, either as a joke or perhaps because they had some trouble separating truth from fiction.

While Tommy Tutone likely never intended for people to actually dial the number, their infectious tune meant people were sure to remember it. If you want people to remember your business’s phone number, you don’t need to create a Top 10 song. You just need to make sure you’re using an unforgettable toll-free vanity number.

A vanity number increases inbound calls to businesses by 25 – 50% when used in a multi-channel advertising campaign. They’re easier to recall than numeric numbers, so when people need a specific product/service, they’re more likely to call the business with the vanity number. This is a clear advantage over the competition.

With the largest selection of vanity numbers available, 800response can help you find the one that best suits your business. And they offer call tracking, caller analytics, and call monitoring tools as well. 800response’s full solution suite helps businesses attract and convert leads, all while enhancing the customer experience.

800response’s vanity numbers have been helping businesses of all sizes and industries boost lead generation for over 30 years. Want to get your business to the top of the charts? Reach out to 800response today and see why vanity numbers are truly something to sing about!

(And apologies if “867-5309” is now stuck in your head.)

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