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How Does Geographic Call Routing Work?

Call routing refers to how a call reaches and is connected to the person on the other end of an inbound call. Geographic call routing refers to a type of call routing that routes incoming calls to specific locations based on the geographic location of the caller. Commonly used by businesses with multiple locations and call centers, this important call tracking feature ensures that customers reach the correct location or agent.

Geographic call routing works by identifying the geographic location of the incoming call through caller ID or other methods. Once the location is identified, the call is then routed to a specific location based on various factors. Businesses use this type of call routing to send calls to the location nearest to the caller or the agent who’s best equipped to handle the call.

Geographic Call Routing Methods

Depending on their specific needs, businesses have multiple options for implementing geographic call routing. However, the most common method is to set up virtual phone numbers for each location. This method routes calls directly to a designated location.

For example, let’s say a multi-location franchise has a storefront in Boston, and another in Miami. By using a virtual phone number for each location, this franchise can route customer calls to either storefront. This can be useful when running multiple ad campaigns in different locations.

Another method routes the call based on the customer’s input. This method is called IVR (Interactive Voice Response). It works by prompting the caller to enter a zip code or area code. The call is then routed to the nearest location based on the customer’s input.

Geographic Call Routing Benefits

Overall, geographic call routing helps businesses improve the customer experience by ensuring that calls are directed to the right location. It can also help reduce wait times and improve call handling times, which leads to higher customer satisfaction and retention.

Here are a few other benefits of this type of call routing:

  • Improved connection rates
  • Reduced hold times and transfers
  • Better customer experiences
  • Satisfied callers and customers
  • Increased sales and revenues

Call Routing by 800response

800response provides various advanced call routing methods to direct incoming calls to different locations based on your needs and complexities.

Call Routing capabilities include:

  • Closest Location Routing
  • Enhanced Closest Location Routing
  • Caller Prompt Routing (IVR)
  • Exchange Routing
  • Mobile Call Routing
  • Zip Code Routing
  • Call Percentage Allocator

For more information, please contact 800response or request a custom quote for our call routing services.

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