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5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Call Tracking Solution

Although many businesses track online conversions, they often struggle to track phone calls in a way that helps them understand their marketing campaign performance. While measuring web leads is important, phone calls are 10 to 15 times more likely to convert into a sale.

With the right call tracking solution, businesses can actually use crucial metrics on all of their inbound and outbound calls to significantly drive sales and marketing efforts. Here are 5 tips to make sure you get the most out of your call tracking solution.

1. Boost Conversion Rates

In a recent study, 63% of consumers end up completing their purchase offline, either in person or over the phone. With a call tracking solution from 800response businesses are able to know exactly which advertising campaigns attract new customers and generate sales. Let us show you how easily you can boost conversion rates and meet important KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Schedule a short, 15-minute demo at any time.

2. Benefits of Advanced Call Routing

With geo-based call routing, customers are able to reach your business quickly and easily every time, regardless of where they’re located. These solutions allow customers to reach their intended contact the first time, without unnecessary transfers, hold times, or missed voicemails. Some options when choosing a geo-based call routing solution include:

  • Closest business location to the caller
  • Area code and/or phone number exchange
  • County and/or zip code

Learn more about our advanced call routing options.

3. Recover Lost Leads with Missed Call Monitor Alerts

The last thing a sales manager wants is to see voicemails go unanswered for any amount of time. By having missed call monitor alerts, you’re instantly alerted of missed call notifications, allowing you to quickly react and recapture those lost leads. Without missed call monitor alerts, qualified leads may be overlooked, and missed prospects may never turn into a sale.

4. Easily Sync Call Data with your CRM

By choosing a call tracking solution with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, businesses are able to deliver data however they choose. This gives them access to key information about phone calls with each of their customers. Standard call data can also be automatically and quickly transferred into each customer’s profile, providing necessary information for completing a sale.

5. Understand Each Customer with Call Detail Reports

Detailed call tracking reports provide companies with a 360-degree snapshot of their call volume with an in-depth look at caller addresses and demographics. Our call detail reports identify first-time, unique, and repeat callers. The entire call detail report includes pertinent information including:

  • Executive Snapshot
  • Call Detail
  • Caller Addresses and Consumer Profile Demographics
  • First-Time and Unique Callers Detail
  • Missed Calls Report
  • Top Area Codes, Cities, Exchanges, and Ring-to Numbers

Contact us to learn more about our call tracking solution, or get a quote for switching your call tracking solution to 800response.

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