38 Eastwood Drive, Suite 401
South Burlington, VT 05403
Work Hours
Monday to Friday | 8AM—5:30PM EST
A new year sees many people seeing what changes and improvements they can make in their lives. The same can be said for businesses, as they look to their past and current methods to see if they are fruitful, or if some alterations are needed. And these decisions are especially important in the marketing department and its responsibility in creating the most effective advertising strategies to entice and draw in potential customers.
If your business is wondering which ad methods will best serve you in the coming year and beyond, here are some suggestions:
We know how prevalent digital advertising has become, but that doesn’t mean traditional advertising still doesn’t have a very prominent place. While most people are online these days, it doesn’t necessarily mean everybody is (or at least, they aren’t online 100% of the time). So your advertising should be able to reach people when and wherever they may be.
This is why traditional advertising is still so vital. Also, studies show traditional advertising media still plays an important part in people’s lives. For instance, people are still watching up to several hours of television a day, much of which is live therefore exposing them to commercials. And a recent survey shows 60% of adults claim TV ads as their number one influence on making purchases [1].
In addition, AM/FM radio continues to reach 93% of people daily compared to online radio [2] and 72% of adults report reading at least one printed magazine a month [3]. These numbers clearly show there is still a place for traditional advertising. And by utilizing a toll-free phone number with call tracking in your ads, you can obtain invaluable data on your callers which will help you create ad campaigns that are both precise and effective.
As previously stated, we’re well aware of the status of digital advertising in today’s marketing landscape, especially with most companies planning to increase their digital ad spend in 2018. But rather than having digital and traditional advertising be in constant competition with one another, many experts agree that a blending of the two makes for excellent campaigns.
For instance, you might have a television or out-of-home ad that features your website. This will prompt viewers to want to learn more about your business, thus sending them to the website for more information. You can also use information gathered by your social media ad campaigns to send targeted mailings to specific people. Also, be sure both forms of advertising have a consistent feel to them so whatever attracted viewers to one type of ad can be experienced in another.
And all of your advertisements should feature a strong call to action such as an easy-to-recall vanity number. This way people will remember how to reach you, whether they decide to do a day, a week, or a month after seeing the ad. When traditional and digital ads work in conjunction, it gives your business a serious advantage.
There are many decisions to be made when it comes to this year’s advertising campaigns. As you formulate your strategies, consider the tried and true methods of the past, as well as the potential methods of the future. Here’s to a prosperous new year!